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[[stamped]] JUL 26 1966 [[/stamped]]

Dr. Harvey Savely
Director of Life Sciences
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Architects Building
1400 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, Virginia 22209

Dear Dr. Savely:

There are enclosed six copies of a revised research proposal entitled, "A Cooperative Program for Ecosystem Research in Korea" in the amount of $49,642 prepared by Dr. Helmut K. Buechner, Head, Office of Ecology, Smithsonian Institution.

Because of the unusual opportunity for ecological study afforded in the Buffer Zone South of the Demilitarized Zone of Korea and because of the opportunity of establishing a long-range, cooperative program of ecosystem science between the Smithsonian Institution and the Seoul National University, we sincerely request and appreciate your consideration of this research proposal.

We request a cost reimbursement contract for this project. To permit reimbursement of Dr. Tyson's trip to the Pacific Science Congress in August 19665, we request inclusion in the contract of a Preresearch Agreements Cost clause effective August 15, 1966.

Any questions of a technical nature should be directed to Dr. Buechner, telephone 144-5945. Administrative questions should be referred to Mr. Elbridge O. Hurlbut, 144-5957.

Sincerely yours,

Sidney R. Galler
Acting Secretary

CC: [[underlined]] Dr. Buechner [[/underlined]] ^[[16]] (w/encl)
Dr. Cowan (w/encl)
Dr. Galler (w/encl)
Contracts Ofc. (w/encl)
Fiscal Div.(w/encl)
Sec. Files (w/encl)
Sec. Read. File (w/encl)
Reading File (w/o 

FWCarroll: EOHurlbut:md 7/26/66

Enclosures 6