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(3) [[underlined]] Injae [[/underlined]] (Punchbowl -- 38° 15'; 128° 05'). This is a mountain basin located about 80 miles from Seoul. Here, and in the following area, the forest vegetation is comparatively well preserved.

(4) [[underlined]] Hyang-no-bong [[/underlined]] (38°15'; 128°17'). Located at the eastern end of the DMZ, this is a beautiful mountainous, forested area.

[[underlined]] Plan for the First Year [[/underlined]]

9. [[underlined]] Objectives: [[/underlined]]

The first year plan of the Korean program in ecosystem ecology is proposed as a 1-year project from 1 Aug. 1966 to 31 July 1967. The objectives are (1) to provide a general description of the vegetation, animal life, soils, physiography, and climate of the DMZ and Buffer Zone based on studies of aerial photographs and field work, (2) to prepare appropriate maps to accompany the descriptions, (3) to select four or more sites for intensive studies within the protected area and an equal number outside the Buffer Zone for comparisons, (4) to provide for a visit to the Buffer Zone by U. S. and Korean scientists from 10 to 17 September 1966, (5) to prepare a 5-year plan of investigation for submission to appropriate contracting and granting agencies, and (6) to initiate preliminary surveys of the physical characteristics, flora and fauna by Korean scientists.

10. [[underlined]] Procedure: [[/underlined]]

During the first year, the main concentration of effort will be in producing a 5-year plan to be submitted by mid-March 1967 to appropriate contracting and granting agencies. Preliminary surveys will be initiated of the physical aspects of the Buffer Zone, the angiosperm flora, and the ecologically important groups of animals. However, an additional year or two will be required to complete them. It is important that the focus be placed on producing a long-range plan, rather than attempting to complete even preliminary surveys in the first year. 

To ensure full integration of Smithsonian and Korean efforts, it is essential to obtain the services of a qualified scientist to assist with the preparation of the proposal for the 5-year plan. This individual will attend the Pacific Science Congress in Tokyo to become acquainted with Korean and other scientists experienced in the Asiatic region and will visit the Buffer Zone with U. S. and Korean scientists in September 1966. While in Korea, he will also work closely with field personnel and with Dr. Yung Sun Kang, Head of the Department of Zoology at the National University of Seoul, in the preparation of the 5-year plan. In early February this scientist will return to the Smithsonian, and remain until 30 June 1967, to complete preparation of the proposal under the direction of Dr. Helmut K. Buechner, Head of the Office of Ecology.
