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Memorandum to Dr. Galler, July 11, 1966
Ecosystem Research in Korea
Impact on Estimated Costs - Alternate Solutions

[[7 column table]]
[[Item]] | Original Budget | A | B | C | D | Note

Research Associate/Dr. Tyson | $6,451 | $11,306 | $11,306 |  | $11,306 |
 Less SI Contribution |  |  | (5,653) |  |  | (1)
Overhead @ 65% | 4,193 | 7,349 | 7,350 |  | 7,349 | (2)
 Less SI Contribution |  |  | (3,674) |  | (3,674) | (1)
Personnel Benefits | 645 |  1,131 | 1,130 |  | 1,131 |
 Less SI Contribution |  |  | (565 ) |  |  | (1)
Overseas Differential (4 months) |  | 942 | 471 |  | 471 | (3)
Transportation Costs | 10,565 | 10,565 | 10,565 | 10,565 | 10,565 |
Additional Per Diem |  | 525 | 525 |  | 525 | (3)
Other Contractual Services | 7,040 | 7,040 | 7,040 | 7,040 | 7,040 |
Supplies and Materials | 1,820 | 1,820 | 1,820 | 1,820 | 1,820 |
Equipment | 636 | 636 | 636 | 636 | 636 |
Consultant |  |  |  | 16,000 |  | (4)
Transportation of Family |  | 1,722 | 1,722 |  | 1,722 |
 Less SI Contribution |  | (1,722) | (1,722) |  | (1,722) |

TOTAL BUDGET | $31,350 | $41,314 | $30,951 | $36,061 | $37,169 |

SI Contribution |  |  | 10,363 (5) | Unknown | 5,396 |

(1) Based on 50% being absorbed by SI
(2) Not applied to overseas differential
(3) Omitted in error in initial budget
(4) Estimated Salary $11,306
    Personnel Benefits 1,132
    Trans. of Family 1,722
    Extra Per Diem [[underline]] 525 [[/underline]]
    25% Differential [[underline]] 1,224 [[/underline]] 
[[underline]] $15,909 [[/underline]] 
(5) At 25% of salary to SI, our Contribution would amount to $6,670