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Selected Bibliography - (Co-Principal Investigator is author of over 70 technical and professional articles)
__. 1944. The range vegetation of Kerr County, Texas, in relation to livestock and white-tailed deer. Amer. Midl. Nat., 31: 697-743.
__. 1950 Life history, ecology and range use of the pronghorn in Trans-Pecos Texas. Amer. Midl. Nat., 43:357-354. (Received George Mercer Award of the Ecological Society of America).
__, Swanson, Carl V. 1953. Increased natality resulting from lowered population density among elk in southeastern Washington. Trans. N. Amer. Wildlife Conf. 20:560-567.
__. 1960 The bighorn sheep in the United States, its past, present, and future. Wildlife Monographs No. 4. 174 pp. (Award of the Wildlife Society for best publication in terrestrial ecology in 1960.)
__. 1961. Regulation of numbers of pronghorn antelope in relation to land use. La Terre et la Vie, 2:266-285.
__, Dawkins, H.C. 1961. Vegetation change induced by elephants and fire in Murchison Falls National Park, Uganda. Ecology, 42(4): 752-766.
__. 1961. Territorial behavior in Uganda kob. Science, 113(3454):698-699.
__. 1961. Unilateral implantation in the Uganda kob. Nature, 190 (4777):738-739.
__. 1963. Territoriality as a behavioral adaptation to environment in Uganda kob. Proc. VI International Congress of Zoology, Vol. 3, pp. 59-63.
__, Buss, I.O., Longhurst, W.M., and Brooks, A.C. 1963. Numbers and migration of elephants in Murchison Falls National Park, Uganda, Jour. Wildlife Management, 27:36-53.
__, Schloeth, Robert. 1965. Ceremonial mating behavior in Uganda kob (Adenota kob thomasi Neumann). Zeitschrift fur Tierpshychologie, 22(2):209-225.
__, Morrison, John A. and Leuthold, Walter. 1966. Reproduction in Uganda kob with special reference to behavior. In Rowlands, I.W., editor. Comparative Biology of Reproduction in Mammals. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London, Number 15, pp. 69-88. Academic Press, N.Y. (Abstract--1965. J. Reprod. Fertil., 9:366-367.)