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Hee Univ., pp. 185-189), ten species of large birds and two species of mammals considered most endangered in Korea are Japanese Crested Ibis, Manchurian Crane, Black Stork, Spoon Bill (2 species), Tristram's woodpecker, White-Naped Crane, Swan (Eastern bewleks and Whooper Swan), Manchurian Goral and Korean Wolf. 

V. [[underlined]] Establishing Wildlife Protection Week [[/underlined]]

The Ministry of Home Affairs and MOAF jointly sponsor the nation-wide week of Wildife Protect for the period of one month from 20 Jan. 1966 to 19 feb. 1966 and this has resulted in uncovering a great deal of unlawful game activities. Especially on 18 Jan. 1966 police sergeants from all the police boxes in Seoul were called in to be given the necessary instruction. the police exercised a strict control simultaneously on all bird shops, fur dealers, and "baked-sparrow bistro houses" in downtown Seoul. As a result, 24 cases were uncovered, 118 birds and 140 mammals, all of which are forbidden game, were exposed. Eagles, woodpeckers, buzzards, pheasants, gorals, weasels, small-eared cats are most representative species of them all. Because of the insufficiency of the current law, the police was not able to do more than imposing a slight fine on these 24 uncovered cases.
