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[[4 column table]]
Chung, Yung Ho |   | Plant taxonomy | Professor; Department of Botany, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul
Kim, Chang Hwan | Dr. Sci. | Entomology | Professor; Department of Biology, College of Science & Engineer^[[ing,]] Korea University, Seoul
Kim, Chun Ho | Dr. Sci. | Botany | Assistant Professor; Department of Biology, Kongju Educational College, Kongju
Kim, Chun Min |   | Plant ecology | Professor; Department of Science, College of Education, Seoul National University, Seoul
Kim, Hoon Soo | Dr. Sci. | Animal taxonomy | Professor; Department of Biology, College of Science & Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul
Kim, Ki Won |   | Zoology | Associate professor; Department of Biology, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Chun-Nam University, Kywangjoo
Lee, Il Koo | Dr. Agr. | Plant ecology | Professor; Department of Biology, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Kyung-Hee University, Seoul
Lee, Yung Ro |   | Plant taxonomy | Associate professor; College of Pharmacy, Ewha Women University, Seoul
Oh, Ke Chil |   | Plant taxonomy | Associate professor; Department of Biology, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Chung-Abg University, Seoul
Paik, Kap Yong | Dr. Sci. | Animal taxonomy | Professor; Department of Biology, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Kyung-Puck University, Taeku
Park, Bong Kyu |   | Botany | Professor; Department of Biology, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Ewha Women University, Seoul
Won, Pyong Hwy | Dr. Agr. | Mammalogy | Professor; Department of Applied Biology, College of Agriculture, Tong-Kuk University, Seoul
