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d.  Hyang-no-bong
This area is located at the east end of DMZ and at the same time this is the north end of south Korea.

5) Necessary items for investigation:
a. Most of these selected areas except narrow paths are minefield.  So, when necessary, this mine must be removed for collection of research-materials.  Moreover these areas are near the enemy, and safety problem must be considered.
b. The use of hunting gun is prohibited in these areas, and this (the use of hunting gun) must be permitted for collecting big animals.

6) Research period:
From April 1, 1966 to March 31, 1971.

7) Research subject for the 1st-year-study:
a.  The study of plant succession in abandoned field of the DMZ.
This is to analize the constitution of plant community and the succession and its factor especially in the areas which were once dry- and paddy-fields.
Method:  The flora of this area and their age and size will be studied.  And the soil analysis will be performed to find out the constitution of ecosystem.
Research^[[er]]: Kim, Choon Min; Hong, Soon Woo; Oh, Kye Chil; Park, Bong Kyu; Lee, Il Koo; Lee, Yong No
