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[[underlined]] ^[[KOREA]] [[/underlined]]
^[[14 Dec 65]]

0942 Heurs
14 December 1965

You are informed that a party of biologists, botanists and zoologists, not to exceed a total of five (5), will enter our portion of the DMZ between MDL markers 0001 to 0442 during daylight hours during the period from 16 to 30 December 1965.  This party will wear white arm bands while in the DMZ and will be accompanied by not more than 20 civil police of our side.

The purpose of this visit is to inspect the biotic community in the portion of the DMZ, to include terrestrial flora and fauna ecology.

Reference your message at 0942.
14 December 1965

Your statement referred in your last message sent to our side which is to inspect the biotic community in this portion of the DMZ has nothing to do with the conservation and civil administration relief of the DMZ.  Therefore, our side cannot agree on that your personnel mentioned enter into the DMZ.

Message to Secretary, MAC, UNC side from
Secretary, MAC, KPA/CFV side: