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5) Using batteries and poison in freshawater, indisciminate captures of flesh-water fishes are also in wide practice.

6) Although I do hope this is not true, I sometime hear about the boastful talk by some of our educated high-society people that they had captured during their one or several days of hunting trip several dozen pairs or several hundred of game animals far in excess of daily limit bag.

7) Under the government permission, Chipmunks are being exported to Japan or Taiwan. Chestnut buntings are partly smuggled out to these countries. The prohibition of export of these wildlife as well as the import of such should be enforced.

If in any of South-east Asian countries this sort of indiscriminate and disorderly captures are to be further kept in wide practice, then it will be impossible for us to attain the goal of conservation. We can hardly expect anything out of our conservation program if such vanishing species as Manchurian Crane, Japanese Stork are left out of our protection in their wintering territories or migratory route, no matter how much protection and care are duly given to these species in one single country. I earnestly call for the joint effort on the part of the interested countries in protection of the threatened birds which freely fly beyond the boundaries of the countries and also in
preservation of their habitats throughout Asia.

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