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(5) Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry revised its hunting regulations in September l965. The revised regulations have shortened the period of open season as from lst November to the end of next February and it has also restricted considerably the kinds of game and daily bag limit.

The revision was agreed among Wildlife Protection Committee, Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry and in accordance with the resolution adopted at Asia Regional Conference of ICBP held in Hong Kong in September 1964. Newly revised daily bag limit and kinds of game are as follows.

Game birds: 
l. Crow (4*)
2. Magpie (l)
3. Japanese Quail (l)
4. Sparrow (2)
5. Ring-necked Pheasant (l)
6. Eastern Turtle-Dove (l)
7. Hazel Grouse (l)
8. Indian Water-Hen (l)
9. Water-Cock (l)
10. Thrush (2)
ll. Eastern Dunlin, Little Stint, Woodcock, Common Snipe, Eastern Kentish Plover
12. Geese (2)
13. Ducks (27 except Kuroda's Sheldrake, Mandarian Duck and Sheldrake)

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