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August 9, 1965

Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Architects Building
1400 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia 22209

Attention: Abraham J. Cohen, Contracting Officer, SRKB

Dear Mr. Cohen:

In response to our meeting of yesterday and the questions raised pertaining to the proposal entitled "A Cooperative Program for Ecosystem Research in Korea." the following information is offered:

1 - The salary of Dr. Tyson is the equivalent level of GS12-2, which is the salary he is now receiving in his present employment.

The details are as follows:
From August 15, 1966 to September 30, 1967

[[table, 2 columns]
GS12-2, for one year | $11,306
GS-12-3, for 1 1/2 months | [[underlined]] 1,505 [[/underlined]]
--- | $12,811

Overseas differential @25% for
7 1/2 months | [[underlined]] 1,767 [[/underlined]]

Total | [[double-underlined]] $14,578 [[/double-underlined]] [[/table]]

2 - The overhead rate quoted, 65% is somewhat below actual rate of 67% for the year ended June 30, 1966. The overhead is audited and approved each year by the Defense Contract Audit Agency, Silver Spring, Md.  Monthly billing rates based on actual costs are reported to DCAA for approval, and used on public vouchers submitted on cost-reimbursable contracts.