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5.  There is a shortage of highly trained technical leadership in the universities and in the existing industrial and agricultural research institutions.  The pool of available Ph. D.s in science in Korea from which leadership for the proposed Institute might be selected is estimated to range from 50 to 75.  However, we found evidence that under inspired leadership and with increased salaries ($150 per month for a science Ph. D. as compared with the $75 per month paid to such scientists by the Korean Government under normal civil service pay ceilings) certain institutions were successful in recruiting able, patriotic and idealistic young Korean scientists trained in the United States.  This points to the possibility of the growth of the proposed Institute beyond the limitations imposed by the inadequate supply of highly trained people currently residing in Korea.

6.  Our group finds that the possibility does exist of creating an Institute for Industrial Technology and Applied Science under able leadership, along the lines spelled out in the body of this report, which could realize the high objectives envisaged by you and President Park.  We are optimistic that the Institute will take root and serve as a symbol for the world of Korean advance in modern science and industrial technology.
