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educators, and to visit laboratories in industrial plants, in universities and in government and private research institutions, in the neighborhood of the capital city Seoul, and in the industrial centers of Inchon, Suwon, Taegu, and Pusan.

Our schedule was briefly as follows:

[[underline]] July 9 [[/underline]]

AM Meeting with Ambassador Winthrop G. Brown, 
   USOM Director Joel Bernstein, and members of 
   their staffs.

Noon Luncheon at Korean Chamber of commerce at 
     which I delivered an address on "The Needs 
     and Possibilities in Korea for Advanced 
     Technical Development"

PM TV Interview at Dong Yang TV
   Further conferences at the Embassy

[[underline]] July 10 [[/underline]]

AM Meetings with
    (1) The Prime Minister
    (2) The Deputy Prime Minister
    (3) The Economic Planning Board
    (4) President Park, Chung Hee

Noon Luncheon at the Blue House with President 
     and Mme. Park