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(c) Establishing and maintaining management and working arrangements with industry to insure (a) above and to insure that new findings are put to use promptly.

(4) It should be related intimately to the universities and should make use of university facilities and university faculties and students in its programs.

(5) The Institute should have a first-class scientific and technical library, and provide information services.

The group feels that highly competent technical leadership is essential to the success of the Institute. We feel sure that such leadership can be found since we met at least one man in whom we would have complete confidence.

An attractive concept is that of building the new Institute around the Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Atomic Energy Research Institute. The former organization has plans under way to move its facilities to land adjacent to the Atomic Energy Research Institute which is located near the College of Engineering of the Seoul National University. This concentration of local talent suggests that the new Institute be located in the