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mighty nice about it and said to come down anyway. Well the tickets were not returned to the office so they gave us seats in the rear until the end of the first act and then told me that two couples tried to use them but they did not admit them and then escorted us down to our seats. Pretty clever work. 
Mrs. Austin had us down to her place one evening. Her house is a dream now. Why do I never mention Grandma? Perhaps I dont want to write complaining letters.-
Sister's hay fever is pretty bad now in spite of the fact that I oil her more faithfully every night. 
Mr. smarty Rowley asked to borrow your saw, level and plane. He said he'd return them the same day. A week has passed. What shall I do? I cautioned him to be careful of the plane. 
There's ham and cabbage for dinner and gelatin. I dreamed about you and [[underlined]] another [[/underlined]] woman! How about it? 
Your indignant wife