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This is a crazy looking letter. This ink is terrible. I'm going to throw the bottle away. 
Will you be home soon? I'm going to start rolling on the floor. I weigh 162 pounds. But I [[underlined]] won't [[/underlined]] stop eating candy. The boy weighs 72 pounds. Will you take me out to a Brazilian dinner to-night or are you taking some one else?
Bye bye Love from

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Aug. 12, 1925

Dear Waldo,

I know there's a ship sailing for Rio on Saturday so I'll just write a little letter to make it. This will be the last letter to Rio. The next I'll address to Montevideo. 
We had planned a day at the beach to-day but it's raining so I've gotten the kids busy at making an indian village. The boy gets a number lesson every morning but oh! how he fusses!