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June 2- Dear Waldo, It's a [[underlined]] hot [[/underlined]] [[double underlined]] hot [[/ double underlined]] morning and the boy has just gotten off to school, on his birthday by the way! And before I forget it Sister said "Tell Daddy that brother is another age now." I've promised to meet him and take him down to get that cowboy suit and Mrs. Hertwig [[?]] has invited us out there for supper. I'm not a bit satisfied with the boy. [[end page]] [[start page]] came yesterday. Your mother insists that you have that operation in July. I guess you'd better do it. I've made oodles of strawberry jam! June [[underlined]]3[[/underlined]] The heat is [[underlined]]terrible[[/underlined]]today! The worst I can remember and that poor boy is on his way home from school. Oh! it's awful! None of us slept last night. It was unbearable. Grandma writes that she is waiting for her pension which is due June 4 [[underlined]]th[[/underlined]]and then will buy her
Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 (20 Aug 17) reviewed
bi-folded paper. Transcriber started with right side first to follow chronological order.