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[[bi-folded paper]] not to give it away. A long distance farm development is never a paying enterprise. It will take about three more years before the income will meet the cost of upkeep, not counting the interest on the money invested. However, I am longing for the time when we will be able to live on it. I have not been up to see it for a long time, I sort of dread the visit since Erwin is not there any more. You mentioned the John Kitchen Co. fire in your last letter, will [[end page]] [[start page]] tell you all about it. On August 23, '26 the whole plant was wiped out by fire, and what was saved we moved to Fremont St. Much of the machinery was completely destroyed. The loft we now occupy is much smaller and too crowded. The Company is now erecting a new building on the corner of Fremont & Natoma which we expect to occupy about Sept. 15,. I am still hanging on in my same position, which I hope will be my last at the bookbinding business at which I have been now for 46 years.