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get him and he doesn't seem to have a gang of his own at present. Your mother insists that you boys [[underlined]]never[[/underlined]] got into any such troubles. How about it? We've taught him to be entirely too honorable. It [[underlined]]doesn't pay![[/underlined]] None of the other boys are. The town council had a big meeting on streets, about four hundred people there and the Allegheny street citizens asked me to go up and make a speech. I did it too-and got lots of applause. Don't know as it will help though. They picked the streets that either lead somewhere or show [[underlined]]decent[[/underlined]] developement. There's to be a new Maryland school at Elm and Ethan Allen. I wish I could have sold them this site. They say it's the Prince George's children that pull down the tone of the present Maryland school so they hope to put them into the new school.