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Mrs. Farwell said she'd like some parrots or what ever you call 'em too. 

But I wouldn't pay any attention that. Just try to imagine [[underline]]her[[/underline]] husband bringing [[underline]]me[[/underline]] something. Golly! It must be nice to skip off for six months and leave all your troubles behind. I've got seven children in the yard, dinner to get, and ironing to do. Doesn't that sound interesting?

Your, once upon a time, Alvina 

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up with "He will travel alone"! I've been joked about it since. And worse still, Ruth called up and said that the Savannah, Georgia paper said that you were traveling with a Miss Jones. How about it? 

The N.Y. candy was delicious. Best I've ever tasted. Not much to write about as it's rained every day.