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who promised the birds ^[[promise]] that he'd have them caught while the cages were being built. Yes I did that all in 3/4 of a day rather up till 11 oclock at night on Tuesday, with the help of Tremoleras. Wednesday I visited the cage construction once to be sure they would be done on time, and at seven 7 p.m got them on an auto truck & landed ^[[them]] in a depoits (garage, warehouse etc) ready to start at 5 a.m. this a.m. for Florida. It was 9 p.m. when I got back to the hotel & there was the ostrich man to give me his regrets that his brother on the estancia had countermanded the orders or mixed them up some how as that there would be no birds to-day which means I can't go on the steamer tomorrow with this letter.