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4 be wonderfully helpful. My writing is no fun any way [[strikethrough]]th[[/strikethrough]] & besides what I have in the book is a carbon copy etc. etc. [[diagonal slash]] No there is no diary. I stopped making copies after the last instalment, feeling so [[underlined]]sure[[/underlined]] I was coming home. But its this mañana land mañana; mañana all the time. They think, "whats two [[strikethrough]]y[[/strikethrough]] weeks." I wrote you of that Brazilian saying "After one day comes another, what could be so cheap." [[diagonal slash]] I'm too terribly disappointed to write more, there is no explanation I can offer you. They just didn't come through with the birds as I had expected & here I sit with two huge empty crates on my hands. I shall try to work up a few notes & there may be a trip to the Solis Islands I can make, but I'm out of bottles completely. In B.A.