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[[circled]]8[[/circled]] may be better than my repose, or rather lack of repose of mind may seem to indicate. On Christmas day sad as it was for me. H Hoells-Jurado director of the B.A. Museum took me to Tigre a suburb of B.A. where we did a little collecting. But isn't this all old news its in my notes but I can't say if I've mentioned it to you or not. But I don't dare write more. This ramble may relieve my feelings a bit, but nothing can compensate me for the loss of these two weeks. The British Naval attache here tells me you have to allow at least 25% more time + money in S.A. than your wildest flights of fancy would indicate + Tremoleras adds "no, 50%" And so it is; Goodly girl till the next steamer on which I'll surely be. Its no fault of mine I'm not on this one, just two empty cages is all, + I can't afford to throw them away. Best to you & the kiddies. Waldo Next Str. American Legion leaving here Jan. 15 - Rio 20 home N.Y. Feb 1st
Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 (20 Aug 17) reviewed
- Author uses lines to break up paragraphs: diagonal between "indicate" and "On Christmas" & horizontal between "to you or not" and "But I don't dare."
- Letters before "Hoells-Jurado" are probably "Dr." Author (Waldo) has a strange habit of not closing the tops of his cursive D's so they look like H's.
- "Director" was inserted in.
- The word after bit was originally a different word (possibly "my"?) but Waldo changed it to "but"
- Waldo tried to write "Tremoleras" and another word but he scratched out and overwrote them, respectfully. Then he included "adds"
- Author overwrote previous word with "throw"
- Last line is written along the edge of the right side of the sheet.