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Miss Bennett type Waldo's diary. Of course I expressed surprise, I [[underlined]]was[[underlined]] surprised too, and he went right down and made a fuss about it. It was Miss Rathbum's doing and even though there's nothing wrong about it I [[underlined]]should[[underlined]] have been informed. But Bryant made matters much worse. Its a long story but still I can't help but feel that you didn't want the thing read and discussed by everyone until you had a chance to go over it.

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Oct. 30, 1925

Dear Waldo-

This will just be a little note. I felt a bit uneasy when you mentioned getting money from the Smithsonian at Punta Arenas so I phoned Bryant and he went to Dorsey and was told that you had left [[underlined]]no[[/underlined]] instuctions to that effect. You