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told him that you'd write when you wanted money. Well, I told him you'd never get it in time and he agreed to that so he had me read your letter saying that you hoped to find that money at Punta Arenas. I don't believe he knows how much to send either. He certainly must be mixing things up. Well, if the money isn't there when you want it you'd best telegraph collect and Bryant said we can get the money down to you alright. You should engage passage home in time too. I guess you'll never make it by Xmas. Another bothersome thing has happened, goodness knows I couldn't help it. I took an installment of your diary down to the office for Shoemaker and Miss [[Rathlem?]] and next day Bryant called up, (he [[underlined]]is[[/underlined]]a regular old woman about some things) and said, "I see you're having
Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 (20 Aug 17) reviewed
- name is Miss "Rathburn"