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interest at once since five years had elapsed. I rushed down to Lohr with it and found that he simply failed to pay it when he got his money. That's the way those men do business. So he said not to worry about it, he'd fix it right up.

The Suransons are giving the Mother's Club a Halloween masquerade. Boo! hoo! I have no man so I won't go and I've never been to a masquerade in all my life.

Thursday night is the grand affair at the City Club. I'm taking Grandma (Lord help me) and Irene and Billy Davis will be here. Billy has to come to see Irene home. They live way over on Poplar.

There's another problem about the boy. He wants a [[underline]]bike[[/underline]]! And he does nothing but talk bikes morning, noon and night. He's learned to ride one too which makes it all the worse. What's to be done? I'm afraid if he