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doesn't get one at Xmas he'll think the world's come to an end.

I caught four baby rats in my rat traps. I hope I have the whole family now.

You ought to see me manage that stove. Always knew I didn't need you around!

You [[underline]]must[[/underline]] get more sleep! If you get in a run down condition you will surely get a fever. The diary is wonderfully interesting but if it keeps you from sleeping you'd best stop it or make it more brief anyway. You still haven't mentioned any red hot mammas. What's the matter?


I must go to rehearse at the City Club to-day. Grandma [[underline]]is[[/underline]] a comfort at times but now that her house is cold it makes it a bit hard. I'll be wearing my old black evening dress tomorrow night. I've a new coat and can't afford a new dress too. Do you want more money at Valparaiso? I can easily send some.

Frigid greetings from ice cold Mamma.