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worst boy in the room and a long tale of woe ending up with the same old complaint of, "And he's such a [[underlined]] big [[/underlined]] boy too!" Well, I'm coaching at home, and he brought home a 100 number paper today so here's hoping. I'm not attending the Mother's Club meetings as I wont come home here alone. I had a bad scare the other night coming from the H.&S. meeting and I refuse to do it again. It was still quite early but I met a nasty man just at the dreaded place and he stopped and stared after me the whole way up to the house. That finished me! If they were a bit decent (I mean the Mothers Club) they'd come up in a bunch and take me home but I should worry, I just [[underlined]] dont go! [[/underlined]]
Mrs Morgan had me down at Mr. Lilly's home one  evening. I played and made a hit with him. He called for me and brought me home. That's