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Sept. 16, 1925. Dear Waldo, My! my! but you're getting me all stewed up! Your demand for money just arrived -- Tee! hee! (I [[underline]]knew[[/underline]] you'd want some) and now I've already written letters to Buenos Aires and to Punta Arenas! Gracious me! Your intinery is all [[underline]]bunk[[/underline]]!!! And I'm afraid you'll never get this either if you leave Montevideo on the 15[[superscript]][[underline]]th[[/underline]][[/superscript]] of Oct. As a steamer left for that place yesterday and goodness knows when the next one goes. But since you'll be expecting the money at that point I guess I'd better send it. And you'll just have to wait for it. I almost feel tempted to send a telegram that I'll send the money to Buenos Ares but