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other day.  He said he gave you a write up in the post when you left, (he works for the Post now) and there was a small notice in the editorial page of The Star which I failed to see.  He'd like you to write an entertaining book which he'd illustrate and you could both make money.  He liked your anemone article immensely, oh! yes!  I guess it was on  [[underline]]that[[/undeline]] article that he gave you the write up.

 I'll be in a hurry in the morning so I'll just add a few lines to this at the Post Office.

 Why do you never mention the women?  Haven't you met any?  Or are you afraid to?
 Now where in the d- shall I send the [[underline]]next [[/underline]] letter!  Well, I'll send it to [[strikethrough]]Buenos Aires again [[/strikethrough]] Punta Arenas again!  I know you'll never get all of [[strikethrough]]it[[/strikethrough]] them. Remember there's already one at Buenos Aires and one at Punta Arenas and the next will be at [[strikethrough]]Buenos Aires[[/strikethrough]] Punta Arenas again.  
                        Love + Best wishes from "Mamie."
I've just sent the money order but cannot send any slip to you.  It will come to you direct.  Must be re-issued in N.Y.  It should come with this mail.

Transcription Notes:
Last line is squeezed up the right margin of the page.