Viewing page 31 of 111

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[[preprinted]] 60 [[/preprinted]]

Nov. 8, 1911 (cont.)

B 42162
No. Class | Int. | Remark
53 | B3 | 42 |   |
54 | B5 | 63 |   |
55 | B5 | 63 |   |
56 | A | 42 | Near edge
57 | A | 42 | " [[ditto for near edge]]
58 | K5 | 63
[[strikethrough]] 59 [[/strikethrough]] 
Time 3:39

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 61 [[/preprinted]]

Cards made Out
A.G.C. | h m | ° ' | Magn.
1025 [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 3 | 7 45.6 | -43 4 | 6.3
10324 | 7 48.0 | -42 51 | 6.8
10334 | 7 48.4 | -42 38 | 6.6
9742 | 7 29.9 | -39 [[strikethrough]] 50 [[/strikethrough]] 49 | 6.6
9893 | 7 35.0 | -39 45 | 7.0
10060 | 7 40.2 | -40 42 | 5.8
Identified by A.D.W.
Checked by J.C.M.