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[[underlined]] March 15 [[/underlined]] Caught a Thomomys & Dipodomys & Hesperomes & Ochetodon, & Onychomys.

Started at 10 oclock & followed up valley, crossed a big mud-flat & turned west & reached Towners ranch at 4 oclock.  Came 20 miles.  Road pretty good most of way.  Came over the dry pebbly slope most of way.  Farrhea, Atriplex, Franseria, & Yuccas are characteristic plants.

Towners is a small ranch with only enough water to irrigate 30 acres.  It is one large spring of warm water.  The country around is desert, so that the ranch is of small value.  A cool day & cloudy with a S.W. wind.  Looks some like rain.

Cooked up in evening for tomorrow.

[[underlined]] March 16. [[/underlined]]

Got up early & had our breakfast over & were packed & ready to start at sunrise - 6 oclock.  A light rain fell for a few hours before daylight.  Cloudy & cool all day.  Our load is light & road pretty good.  Traveled as fast as we could.  The Vegas is 1800 feet, Towners is 2750 by the R.R. survey.  Crossed the divide between Vegas Valley & Ash Meadows 17 miles west of Towners.  The aneroid makes the divide 500 feet above Towners.  This offers a low, wide passage from the Colorado River to Ash Meadows & down the Amergosa.

Transcription Notes:
Reveiwed & minor typos edited. -@sibhanleachman