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[[underlined]] Death Valley [[/underlined]]  

[[underlined]] April 4 [[/underlined]]  Burnett came down with his wagon which I at once proceeded to borrow to send for grain.
Caught a Spermophile & shot some lizzards.

[[underlined]] April 5 [[/underlined]]  Sunday, but as so much depends on our getting grain as soon as possible, I started George on the trip to Pahrump as early as he could get off.  A hot day but I have no thermometer with me, should think it was about 90 [[degree symbol]].

[[underlined]] April 6 [[/underlined]]  Caught a few Spermophiles & Neotomas. Made up skins. Could not seem to catch much. The wind howls steadily all day. A cloud of sand in the air.

[[underlined]] April 7 [[/underlined]] Went up to the Borax works, about 3 miles above here. Killed an Icterus bullocki & saw a lot of migrant birds, several Micropus melanoleucus. Caught & made up a few things. A warm day, wind does not blow as hard.

[[underlined]] April 8 [[/underlined]] Did not catch much, a Hesperomys & a few Neotomas. Went up to the borax works & found some new birds.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. -@siobhanleachman changed "Palrump" to "Pahrump" -@meg_shuler