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[[boxed advertisement]] Shoes Shined Good Service "Made to Look New" GEORGE THE HATTER MEN'S HABERDASHERY HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED WHILE YOU WAIT Open Daily 9:30 to 9 P. M. - Sunday 9:30 to 5 P. M. 5111 Hastings TEmple 1-1158 DETROIT GEORGE GORDON, Prop. [[/boxed]] [[boxed advertisement]] MARLOWE'S FLOWERS There Is a Marlowe's Flower Shop In Your Neighborhood EXPRESS YOUR SENTIMENTS with MARLOWE'S FLOWERS Flowers for Every Occasion BOKAY-WEDDING-CORSAGE FUNERAL DESIGNS DOWNTOWN 572 ADAMS ST. CA. 8466-CL. 3942 NORTH END 8918 Oakland Avenue TOwnsend 7-9898 WEST SIDE 5510 W. Warren Ave. TYler 4-4225 [[/boxed]] [[boxed advertisement]] PARADISE BOWL, Inc. 640-60 EAST ADAMS CAdillac 7150 WINE! DINE! BOWL! [[image - black & white photograph of Paradise Bowl building]] BANQUET and CLUB ROOM COCKTAIL LOUNGE 20 BRUNSWICK CENTENNIAL ALLEYS 20 Special Attention to Women Bowlers [[/boxed]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[boxed advertisement]] Banquets, Weddings and Groups Home Portraits a Specialty RANDOLPH AND WYATT PHOTOGRAPHERS "Portraits That Live Forever" Gotham Studio "Portraits That Live Forever" GOTHAM HOTEL DETROIT 1, MICH. Phone TE. 2-2005 [[/boxed]] [[boxed]] SCORE CARD Tuskegee...| | | | | Wilberforce| | | | | ...........|1st QUARTER|2nd QUARTER|3rd QUARTER|4th QUARTER|FINAL [[/boxed]] REFEREE - MEL WHEDBEE (Fisk) FIELD JUDGE - FRANK YOUNG (Chicago, Ill.) HEAD LINESMAN - AL DUNSMORE (Pittsburgh, Pa.) UMPIRE - WILL ROBINSON (W. Va. State) [[boxed]] COMPLIMENTS -of- DR. and MRS. MELVIN FOWLER [[/boxed]] [[boxed advertisement]] DEMAND BRANAM's DAIRY PRODUCTS FROM YOUR GROCER MILK - CREAM - EGGS TRinity 1-2350 Taste..Flavor..Creamine..Superb [[/boxed]]