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[[boxed advertisement]] FLOWERS FOR THE CUSTOMER WHO CARES Detroit's Better Florist ACME FLOWER SHOP 70,000 Satisfied Customers FUNERAL DESIGNS - WEDDINGS 3936 BRUSH TE. 2-9212 One Store - Every order Must Be Right We Will Appreciate a Call from You [[/boxed]] [[boxed advertisement]] "THE HOUSE THAT JIVE BUILT" BUNTS' AUTOMATIC MUSIC CO. and Groovie Record Shop FREDERICK BUNTS Manager 5017 Hastings Street Phone TErrace 2-9348 Detroit, Mich. [[/boxed]] [[boxed advertisement]] Compliments of KORMAN THEATRES * APOLLO * CARVER * GRANT Saul Korman, Prop. [[/boxed]] [[boxed advertisement]] BLACK HAWK TAVERN 4800 WEST WARREN at McGraw Open from 7 A.M. to 2 A.M. BEER-WINES-LIQUOR-MIXED DRINKS LUNCHES and SANDWICHES MR. JAMES CAIN, Manager [[/boxed]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[boxed advertisement]] MAPP'S BAR and GRILL 286 E. COLUMBIA BEER-LIQUOR-WINE-GOOD FOOD Ray Mapp, Jr., Proprietor CLifford 1945 Severn Mapp, Mgr. Madeline Mapp, Mgr. [[/boxed]] [[boxed advertisement]] LARK GRILL KNOWN FOR GOOD FOOD Dining Room Upstairs LIQUOR-WINE-BEER Bob Holloway 522 E. Adams Ave. Detroit 26, Mich. CLifford 0410-2146-2158 [[/boxed]] [[boxed advertisement]] Stutz Anderson and Chester Rentie BOOKING AGENCY ORCHESTRAS-THEATRICAL ENTERTAINMENT LICENSED and BONDED 699 East Adams Ave. CAdillac 0675 Detroit 26, Michigan [[/boxed]] [[boxed advertisement]] "Home Ownership Is Vital to Lifetime Security" OWN YOUR OWN HOME Beautiful Houses Available in Conant Gardens 25 Years to Pay Under the F.H.A. Plan Down Payment $600.00 (plus closing costs) PURCHASE PRICE $5,850.00 Call CAdillac 1216 for Further Information LOT OWNERS: You may have a home built on your lot. The value of the lot may be deducted from the down payment. WAYNE COUNTY BETTER HOMES, INC. 1727 St. Antoine Street CA. 1216 Detroit 26, Mich. [[/boxed]]