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[[boxed advertisement]] OLIVEER'S BEAUTY BAR Specializing in ELECTRICAL FACIALS and THERAPEUTIC SCALP TREATMENTS Georgia Oliver, Prop. 412 E. Alexandrine TE. 2-8560 [[/boxed]] [[boxed advertisement]] Phone TErrace 2-8278 PARKER & WILLIAMS SERVICE STATION COMPLETE MOTOR REPAIRING BUMPING - PAINTING Cash or Terms Car Washing and Polishing Upholstery Cleaned 3640 John R at Brady Detroit, Mich. [[/boxed]] [[boxed advertisement]] METROPOLITAN FUNERAL SYSTEM Michigan's Fastest Insurance Company 689 MACK AVENUE Phone TE. 1-0898 SEN. CHAS. C. DIGGS President [[/boxed]] [[boxed advertisement]] [[image - black & white photograph of two women]] [[caption]] JOSEPHINE ROBERTS LOTTYE JACOBS LESTER [[/caption]] SPECIAL PRICES TO SERVICE MEN The Paradise Studios PHOTOGRAPHS of INDIVIDUALITY Old Photos Restored, Copied or Enlarged [[image - black & white photograph of room]] [[caption]]STUDIO AND RECEPTION ROOMS[[/caption]] 2014 HASTINGS ST. at Adams near Gratiot Telephone CA. 1627 [[/boxed]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[boxed advertisement]] [[image - black & white photograph of beer in glass]] Stroh's BOHEMIAN BEER "Served Wherever Quality Counts" THE STROH BREWERY CO., DETROIT, MICH. [[/boxed]] [[boxed advertisement]] ORIGINALITY- KEY TO SMARTNESS! VERNOR'S VOGUE SHOPPE Ladies' Wearing Apparel As sold by Vogue Shoppe DESIGNERS OF PERSONALITY CLOTHES 2321 BRUSH STREET CAdillac 7958 [[/boxed]] [[boxed advertisement]] On the Air Every Night! 10:30 P.M. to 12:00 A.M. - WJLB - 1400 KC The Interracial Goodwill Hour A VARIETY PROGRAM NEW-MUSIC-INTERVIEWS On the Air Continuously for Over 5 Years Directed by Edward A. Baker Advertising Agency 456 Book Building Detroit 26, Mich. Telephone CAdillac 0126 Advertising Rates on the Program are Reasonable [[/boxed]] [[boxed advertisement]] TYPOCRAFT CO. Printers Temple 1-8700 [[/boxed]]