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[[left page blank]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Sundance [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] June 7 [[underlined]] Wrote reports all day. Shot a Tamias of the Black Hills form & a Colaptes. Loring wrote on his report but has not finished it yet. Dutcher set out a line of traps. The first little shower since we started. [[underlined]] June 8 [[underlined]] Dutcher & I went up to top of Warren Peak which is the highest peak in the Bear Lodge Mts. Followed a wood road nearly to top. Wagons could be taken to the peak. People have been hauling dry pitch pine from near the summits. We rode to near the peak. There is a good timberline on the Mts. Pinus ponderosa is the only conifer & does not reach to the peak. For several miles along the crest of the range and about the upper 500 feet is bare of timber, grassy & smoothe. No cliffs. On N.E. side of peak the pines & popples come up the highest of any place. A tongue of small trees reaches to within 100 feet of the top. Large banks of snow lay in gulches away below the summit. Little streams start in the gulches on all sides of the peak & run off through beautiful parks and meadows. The whole view from the peak is beautiful. The Black Hills on one side, the Devil's Tower about 15 miles away on the other & beyond it badlands. Apparently no one lives in the mountains. Saw no signs of big game save deer tracks. Shot a young Lepus bairdi & 2 ruffed grouse & some Tamias & got a Juncos nest & found signs of Arvicola above timber. A dwarf oak grows above timber.