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[[embossed Chi Acad Sci stamp]] The following do not collect eggs [[strikethrough]] Frank H Da [[/strikethrough]] Frank H. Davis Chi Acad Sci ^[[insertion]] about 18 years old [[/insertion]] - a very promising boy - works on mammals - makes good skulls & skeletons. Pray write him. [[line]] Mr Frost. Librarian of academy. works on Reptiles. - Very good fellow honest & reliable [[line]] Geo B Armstrong - a very good but boyish boy works on birds. Collects [[line]] Wm A Mason - Takes charge of fishes [[line]] A. Bolten a very good faithful man has charge of Academy Lepidoptera and works also on other insects [[line]] Chas Sonne. our "Ulke"! [[line]] Geo Hathaway - Himself a good boy - but his father suspicious & avaricious George would come to S.I. gladly if his health & his father would permit.
Transcription Notes:
2nd review requested
jeni92127 1st review 23 Sep 2017
- P.S. The unknown words at the end of page 1 are "deer tongues"
S.I.= Smithsonian Institution