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10 That [[insertion]] plan [[/insertion]] was for me to go into the country with a small party of picked men and a [[underlined]] light [[/underlined]] but carefully selected stock of goods for the Indian trade - no [[strikethrough]] Comissary [[/strikethrough]] provisions beyond a little tea sugar and a few luxuries [[strikethrough]] in the way [[/strikethrough]] like pepper salt rice flour etc - [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] with the goods I would have provided [[strikethrough]] provisions [[/strikethrough]] my subsistance & hired Indians for transportation making Depots etc. - with fifty men of the right kind and a comparatively cheap outfit I could have put up all the holes from mo [[note: meaning mouth]] of Youkon to Dease House - (possibly to head of Frazer) - between June 1st and the first heavy snow - that is not stopping to select the best final route - but choosing the best along the rivers from the mouth of the Youkon to Dease lake or some point on the Liard - and then making a rapid reconnaisance of the country from these points to the head of Frazer do so much of the work there as time would permit - If it were thought better I could [[insertion]] instead - with the same outfit - [[/insertion]] have carefully [[insertion]] & pretty thoroughly [[/insertion]] explained for the best line from the [[strikethrough]] mo [[/strikethrough]] straits to the Liard river and (as I [[underlined]] now [[/underlined]] know) to the head of Frazer River - [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] Making arrangements for
Transcription Notes:
- re-open by reviewer jeni92127 29 Sept 2017 to correct guesses and insertion marks.