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14 Up to the 6th of May I never dreamed of any [strikethrough]]thing else the[[/strikethrough]] change of plan - and up to that time Col Bulkley discussed his plans freely with me - asking me questions and apparently profiting by my advice about the Youkon and British Columbia regions. He gave me a commission as ^[["Chief Explorer" or]] "Chief of the Bureau of Explorations" with rank of "Lieut Col." etc etc [[line]] What in the D ls name caused the change I couldn't ^[[then]] conceive but May 6th he sent for me and began by [[strikethrough]] objecting to my expression [[/strikethrough]] saying "I do not wish you to understand that I expect you to [[underlined]] build [[/underlined]] the line from Frazer to the Straits [[strikethrough "etc [[/strikethrough]] But to explore it." I said "very well" and
Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 reviewed 29 Sep 2017
- Transcriber used "^[[" for insertions and not to indicate handwriting. The whole note is handwritten.