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Reappointment of Regents.

The Chancellor announced that the Vice President had reappointed Senators Cullom and Bacon as Regents, dating from March 4.

Report of Committees.
Andrews Will Decision.

Senator Henderson, Chairman of the Permanent Committee, read the following letter from Mr. F. W. Hackett, Counsel for the Institution, giving a statement of the adverse decision in regard to the Institution's suit in the Andrews will case:

Washington, D.C.,
February 9, 1907.

Charles D. Walcott, 
Secretary, Smithsonian Institution, 
Washington, D.C.


I have the honor to inform you that the Appellate Division, First Department, of the Supreme Court of New York, yesterday decided the appeal in the Andrews will case.

This appeal was argued by Mr. Wetmore and myself in May last. Since the argument one of the Judges (O'Brien) has resigned. The opinion is written by Laughlin and concurred in by three other justices.

It affirms the decree of Judge Dowling below. The decision is that the gift to the Andrews Institute is valid.

Mr. Wetmore has kindly sent me a typewritten copy of the opinion. I am making a copy for my own use and send his back by

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