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[[preprinted]] 13 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION [[/preprinted]] Fee for Architects. The Chancellor read the following letter and enclosure from Mr. Bernard R. Green: Building for the National Museum Office of Bernard R. Green, Superintendent of Construction Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. March 5, 1907 Dr. Chas. D. Walcott, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Sir: By the terms of the contract entered into May 18, 1903, with Hornblower and Marshall as architects for the new National Museum building, their compensation was fixed at 3-1/2% on the "cost of the construction of the said building after excluding the architects' fee and the contingent cost of the services and office expenses of the party of the first part," and that, further, they should receive for such personal supervision of the construction as might be called for from time to time, additional compensation within a total limit of 1-1/2% on the cost of the construction as above described. An arrangement with the architects for compensation for their personal supervision under the second provision of the contract should no longer be delayed. They have already rendered more or less of such service in the progress of the work up to the present time. Hitherto payments have been made from time to time on account of the 3-1/2% portion of their compensation amounting to $95,000.00, but they have received no compensation for personal supervision. ^[[CDW]]
Transcription Notes:
Initials: MSN or MDW?
Comment: The initials at the bottom of each page of the Board of Regents meeting minutes is likely that of Charles D. Walcott (CDW), who would sign the minutes in his capacity as the Secretary for the Board of Regents.