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[[preprinted]] 28 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION [[/preprinted]] be a larger sum than the $15,000 now available for research. He added that the Permanent Committee had authority to accept gifts for such purposes, and he read the following paragraph, which he suggested would be advisable to be adopted in connection with all gifts to the Institution for specific purposes: The specific objects named by the donor are considered most important, but the Board of Regents shall have full power, by a vote of two-thirds of their number, to modify the conditions and regulations under which the income from the fund may be dispensed, so as to insure that it shall always be applied in the manner best adapted to the changed conditions of the time; provided always that any modifications shall be in general accord with the purposes of the donor as hereinbefore expressed. Doctor Bell said that in his opinion one thing that prevented donations from coming to the Institution was the general idea that it was being supported by Congress. Adjournment. There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion the Board adjourned. ----0---- Attest: [[signed]] Chars Walcott [[/signed]] Secretary.