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[[preprinted]] 52 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION [[/preprinted]] 41 Walker, Henry Oliver, In Arcady. 42 Walker, Horatio, Sheepyard - Moonlight. 43 Weir, J. Alden, A Gentlewoman. 44 Wiggins, Carleton, Evening after a Shower. 45 Wiles, Irving R., To be selected. 46 Williams, F. Ballard, Old Viaduct at Little Falls, N. J. 47 Wyant, Alexander H., Autumn at Arkville. 48 Wyant, Alexander H., Housatonic Valley. 49 Wyant, Alexander H., The Flume, Opalescent River, Adirondacks. 50 Wyant, Alexander H., Spring. After some discussion, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED: That the thanks of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Insitution be tendered to Mr. William T. Evans, of Montclair, New Jersey, for the generous gift of his valuable collection of paintings to the National Gallery of Art; that the Regents in accepting the gift recognize his public spirit and devotion to the highest interests of the nation which prompted this splendid donation. Courtesy of the Corcoran Gallery of Art. Mr. Evans desired to make an immediate delivery of his collection but there was no place of sufficient size in the Smithsonian or Museum building which could properly accommodate it. In this emergency the Corcoran Gallery of Art courteously extended the use of its large atrium, pending the preparation of a suitable gallery here, and the Secretary thought that the Board might wish to formally express its appreciation of this attention. ^[[CDW]]