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[[underlined]] [Form 6.1] [[/underlined]]
War Department,
Bureau Refugees, freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Office Chief Quartermaster,
Washington, ^[[Aug. 1st]] 186^[[7]]

^[[Bvt. Maj. Gen'l N. A. Miles U.S.A.]]
Assistant - Commissioner, &c.
^[[Raleigh N.C.]]

I respectfully forward herewith Transportation Orders, No. ^[[1771,]] for transportation of ^[[Miss Josephine Cropper, Teacher,]] the same having been requested by ^[[letter of Mr. J. H. Harris, forwarded to this office, approved by your endorsement of date July 26 1867.]]

By order of Maj. - Gen. O. O. Howard, Commissioner.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
^[[ [[stamped]] Henry M Whittelsey [[/stamped]] ]]
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]], Chief Q.M., Bureau R., F., & A. L.

Transcription Notes:
Whittlesey has been seen spelled this way; however, it appears when the stamp is used it is Whittelsey