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SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION: Secretary of - 471, 493, 502, 545, 563, 578, 612, 621, 631, 661, 679, 697, 739, 741, 757, 761, 769, 770, 788, 800, 820, 837, 842, 851, 867, 873. Death of 697. Election of - 739. Acting Secretary 696, 701, 703, 715, 716, 732, 881. Assistant Secretary474, 482, 504, 549, 558, 580, 588, 641, 662, 664, 668, 696, 703, 707, 716, 732, 741, 757, 761, 770, 788, 800, 820, 824, 837, 838, 851, 864, 865, 867, 873, 884. Additional Asst.Secy. 600, 606, 613, 622, 634, 668. Accounts, (proposed Govt.audit of) 653. Annual int.(proposed as Congressnl.appn) 526, 652. Building program 797, 824, 838. Conditional gifts 538. Endowment,Increase of -635, 640, 648, 652, 675, 686, 688, 698, 709, 724, 736, 743, 745, 748, 768, 868. Fundamental Act 738, 740, 746, 750. Future Policy of 693, 701, 710, 739, 742, 747, 750, 768, 772. Guide Book 872, 884. "Memberships" proposed 833, 839. Laws affecting 743. Needs of 500, 565. Reorganization of Govt. Depts. 597. Salaries, Under Reclass.Act 596. Scientific Series 623, 685, 687, 700, 725, 737, 789, 791, 801, 862, 868, 869, 882 Senate floor privileges 536. Zoo Park Supt.appointed 669. Snodgrass,R.E. 822. Snyder,T.E. 645. Sowerby,R.deC. 543, 561. Spicer,C.P. 519. Standley,Paul 596. Stejneger,Leonhard 728, 828, 866. Stewart,T.D. 728. Stirling,M.W. 797. Stone,C.A. 853. Straus, Admiral 727. Strong,W.D. 887. Sunday opening of N.M. 659. Swales, B.H. 875. Swanton, J.R. 558, 855. -T- Tamblyn & Brown 636, 648, 709, 710, 725, 736. Tariff Commission 544. Taylor, Adml.D.W. 757. Traylor, J.G. 829.