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[[preprinted]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 473 [[/preprinted]] [[preprinted left margin]] BAKER-VAWTER CO. MANUFACTURERS NEW YORK, CHICAGO [[/preprinted left margin]] at a glance, a statement showing the Institution's receipts and resources as well as its expenditures; which would show, for instance, where the Institution gets its revenues, and out of which source of receipts this, that, or the other group of expenses is met. He had no desire in any sense to ask for a trial balance or accounting, or to follow the idea out in all the ramifications of detail. All he was suggesting was a quickly summarized "picture" of the economic and fiscal situation of the Institution for the information of inquirers who are not familiar with its history. What he had in mind could be shown in a tabulated form as follows:- Annual revenue derived from original foundation fund. - Annual expenses, itemized sufficiently to show totals by general classifications only. Annual revenue derived from Congressional appropriations. - Let it be shown out of which fund set out on the revenue side of the statement each of the various totals of expenses is paid. Annual revenue derived from other sources, each fund separately. - If any expense of maintenance, administration, research work, or what not, is met by money taken from more than one source of revenue, let it be shown in what sums from each. The Secretary said that he would be glad to follow the suggestion and to supply the information in the form outlined. After further comments, on motion the Executive Committee's report was accepted. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PERMANENT COMMITTEE. On behalf of the Permanent Committee the report was submitted by the Secretary, with explanatory remarks; December 9, 1920. To the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. Gentlemen: Your permanent Committee hereby submits the following report on [[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]