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[[preprinted]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 478 [[/preprinted]] [[preprinted left margin]] MADE BY BAKER-VAWTER CO. [[/preprinted left margin]] the Hodgkins Fund of the Institution on a multiple-charge rocket to explore the unknown upper layers of the earth's atmosphere; two papers on the Secretary's researches in Cambrian geology; and a paper entitled "Variation in Solar Radiation and the Weather," by H. Helm Clayton, in which the value of the solar radiation data obtained from the work of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, is discussed by Mr. Clayton in connection with forecasting weather and temperature. The Secretary added that among the numerous scientific publications issued by the National Museum should be mentioned a series of papers prepared under the direction of Thomas Wayland Vaughan and published as Bulletin 103 under the title "Contributions to the Geology and Paleontology of the Canal Zone, Panama." Two interesting bulletins, both prepared by Mr. D. I. Bushnell, Jr., were issued, among other publications, by the Bureau of American Ethnology, with the titles: "Native Villages and Village Sites East of the Mississippi," and "Native Cemeteries and Forms of Burial East of the Mississippi." On motion, the report was approved. TRANSMISSION OF ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. The Secretary called attention to the fact that at the last meeting, Senator Lodge and Representative Padgett had been appointed a Special Committee to arrange that the Institution be relieved from the duty of transmitting to Congress the Annual Reports of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Both members of the Special Committee reported that they had addressed letters to the Committees of the Senate and House having the matter in charge, but in neither case had received a response, so that they could only report progress to that extent. [[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]