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Smithsonian Institution. It shall keep a written record of all transactions, and submit the same to the Commission at each meeting. It shall also submit to the Commission a printed or typewritten report of each of its meetings, and at the annual meeting shall submit to the Commission a report for transmission to the Board of Regents.

2a. [[underlined]] Subcommittees. [[/underlined]]

Subcommittees consisting of a member of the Commission as Chairman, and any desired number of associates not members of the Commission, may be appointed by the Commission or the Executive Committee on any subject coming within the purview of the Commission, e.g., sculpture, ceramics, American paintings, music, etc.

3. [[underlined]] Art Advisory Committee. [[/underlined]]

a. The Art Advisory Committee shall consist of not less than five members to be elected annually by the Commission, by ballot, and who shall be eligible for reelection.

b. The duties of the Art Advisory Committee shall be to examine and report with recommendation on art objects offered as gifts or devised by will to the Smithsonian Institution. 

4. [[underlined]] Vacancies on Committee. [[/underlined]]

a. Vacancies occurring in any of the Standing Committees enumerated may be filled by the respective Committees until the next regular meeting of the Commission; any member then elected to fill a vacancy shall serve for the remainder of his predecessor's term.


1. There shall be an annual meeting of the Commission, which shall be held in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, on the Tuesday preceding the second Thursday of December in each year. There shall also be at least one other regular meeting, the date of which shall be fixed by the Commission at the annual meeting, and which, with the annual meeting, will provide for a meeting not less than once in six months.

2. Special meetings of the Commission may be called--

a. By the Executive Committee by notice served personally upon or mailed to the usual address of each member twenty days prior to the meeting.

b. By the Chairman, in the same manner, upon the written request of five members of the Commission.

3. In case any member shall fail to attend three successive stated meetings of the Commission, without any satisfactory explanation, said member shall thereupon cease to be a member.


These rules and regulations may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, on recommendation of the Permanent Committee.

Senator Lodge then read the following list of persons who are recommended by the Committee for appointment as members of the National Gallery of Art Commission:-
