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[[preprinted]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 503 [[/preprinted]] [[preprinted in left margin]] MADE BY BAKER-VAWTER CO. [[/preprinted in left margin]] MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING. The Secretary submitted the minutes of the meeting of May 27, 1921, which had been supplied to the Regents both in type-written and printed form. There being no objection, the minutes were declared approved as circulated. NEW REGENT. The Secretary stated that the organic act establishing the Smithsonian Institution provides that the Chief Justice of the United States shall be exofficio a Regent of the Institution. He had the pleasure, therefore, of announcing that the Honorable William Howard Taft was now a member of the Board. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RESOLUTIONS. The Secretary read the following letter from Mrs. Edward Douglass White:- June 2, 1921. My dear Mr. Walcott: May I not ask you to convey to the Board of Regents my sincere thanks and grateful appreciation of the generous tribute to my beloved husband, expressed in their resolutions, a copy of which you were so kind as to send me. Permit me also to thank you personally for the kind sympathy conveyed by your letter of transmittal. Very sincerely, Mrs. Edward Douglass White. RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO INCOME AND EXPENDITURE. Judge Gray, Chairman of the Executive Committee, offered the following resolution, which was adopted:- RESOLVED: That the income of the Institution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923, be appropriated for the service of the Institution, to be expended by the Secretary with the advice of the Executive Committee, with full discretion on the part of the Secretary as to items. [[initials]] CDW [[/initials]]